MUNESCO 2025 will take place between February 28th and March 2nd, 2025


As an affiliate of The Hague International Model United Nations Program, Model United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (MUNESCO) is listed among the most prestigious conferences in Turkey and around the world. Every year, the organizing team is preparing to host more than 500 participants all around Turkey and the world. Since 2003, MUNESCO has continued to set high standards of excellence as it is one of the first conferences in the world that is modeled after UNESCO and continues to nurture the love of learning, debating, and universal understanding. This conference is an influential step in introducing the colorful world of politics and diplomacy to the adults of tomorrow by enabling them to put themselves in the shoes of a diplomat: a delegate in the General Assembly, a judge or an advocate in the International Court of Justice, an ambassador, or even a chair of a committee in the MUNESCO conference. The primary purpose of our conference is to stimulate the processes of debating, lobbying, and producing beneficial resolutions as it is done in the UN.